Sarcophagus with Lambs Approaching a Chi-Rho in a Wreath

Garden of the Museo Nazionale, Ravenna, Italy

The left acroterium has an image, now unrecognizable, in a shield-shaped frame; the right one has a scallop shell. On the case, fluted columns frame a scene of sheep approaching Christ symbolized by the chi-rho and alpha-omega in a wreath. A blossom is sculpted above each sheep.

The left end of the sarcophagus has the same wreath design:

The right end has an urn:

View in full resolution the frontal, the left end, and the right end.
Read more about the symbolism of the chi-rho and of sheep and shepherds.

Photographed at the site by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.